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Teams Queue & Auto Attendant Reporting


Clobba & Microsoft Teams


With the widespread deployment of Microsoft Teams as a complete voice solution, insights into productivity levels are key for organisations to view performance and deliver the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Clobba is a unified communications reporting and analytics solution for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing and Calling Plans, providing detailed insights in to Teams usage and employee productivity. The information is presented as daily reports, real-time dashboards, and summary screens showing call queue, auto attendant and agent performance, all of which is fully customisable.

Clobba is delivered as a managed service from Infinitel’s Cloud. If you would like to try it for yourself, Clobba is available on a completely free-of-charge 14-day trial.


clobba Microsoft teams reporting


  • Total Calls
  • Answered Calls
  • Missed Calls
  • Answered %
  • Average Call Duration
  • Average Queue Time

Agent Performance

  • Calls
  • Duration
  • Average Duration
  • Average Ring Time


infinitel and code logos


direct routing for microsoft teams call reporting and analytics

Monitors available include:

  • Call Details
  • Call Details
  • Call Distribution by location
  • Answered Calls
  • Average Duration
  • Average ring-time
  • Inbound call handling
  • Inbound Summary
  • Maximum ring time
  • Queues call answering


Select up to 9 monitors
Filter on queues / AA Agents / Drilldown reporting

Contact us today!

    call handling summary clobba




    • User defined reporting
    • Automated with user selected frequency
    • Multiple filtering options
    • Summary and detailed reporting
    • Report designer to select fields displayed
    • Drilldown from summary to detail
    • Unlimited reporting options

    Maximise your Microsoft Teams phone system

    Add enhanced features with Infinitel’s Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams platform

    Direct Routing

    Direct Routing is a simple and cost-effective alternative to Microsoft Calling Plans, allowing you to make calls to external landlines and mobile phones from Microsoft Teams using Infinitel’s SIP trunks.

    Learn more
    Contact Centres

    Anywhere365 is a cost-effective, and yet complete solution providing all advanced functionalities required by contact centres. Users have all the tools they need in a single Microsoft Teams desktop interface.

    Learn more
    Call Recording

    Atmos is the only Cloud-native compliance call recording solution integrated with Microsoft Teams. No on-device software or on-premise hardware required. Meets GDPR, MiFID II, HIPAA, Dodd-Frank, PCI-DSS, and many other compliance regulations.

    Learn more

    Customer Success Story

    “I would recommend Infinitel to any business looking to adopt Microsoft Teams Direct Routing.

    Infinitel has implemented Direct Routing for Cloudbox, allowing our users to make and receive external voice calls using Microsoft Teams. Infinitel also provides additional functionality including call recording and call reporting which is not available with Microsoft calling plans.

    Infinitel is a partner that we trust and is always there to support us, they are extremely responsive to any queries we have. I’m sure any other business will have a similarly positive experience.”

    Nick Goodenough, Director

    Cloudbox Customers

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